Flow EMAIL course – FREE

6 steps to more engagement and flow

A free Happiness Academy email course in 7 lessons with exercises and tips for more flow & engagement

Would you like to experience a bit more excitement, joy, or perhaps more flow in your life?


Maybe move away from boredom or stress in some parts of your life and into flow?


This course will give you new insights into what makes flow (the state of full engagement in an activity and life) so valuable and beneficial. And not only that, but we will also explore different ways in which you can strengthen the sense of flow in your own life.

Join us with a curious mind – and see what you can learn on this journey. 

In this free email course you will get:

  • 7 emails delivered to your inbox every 2 days 

  • theory of engagement and flow

  • practical exercises 

Sign up here for the free email course!

Are you interested in learning about flow in a deeply experiential way, with a lot of discussion, sharing and reflection?

Check out Deep Dive into Flow, an online course in 8 science-based modules and gain a broad range of new ideas and tools about training your flow.

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