Learning getaway on mindfulness and savouring in Istria, Croatia
Are you looking to enjoy life more fully, build more minfulness and wellbeing?
Join us this September for 8 days of learning about mindfulness, while savouring good moments in the heart of Istria.

Life Design
Create a Life You Love in a 3h Online Workshop
How do you feel about your life these days? Perhaps it feels pleasant, like all is good… but misses a bit more drive, excitement, fulfilment?
It’s cosy – but you wouldn’t say it is “WOOOOW”?
Perhaps you feel a bit stuck, lost in your everyday routine and insecure about the future?
Feeling like you should know what you want to do with your life, but you aren’t sure in which direction to head?
Join us on online live workshop and create an amazing life you will love!
At 3h online workshop, you will create your “big life vision” and the plan of immediate next action and leave with clarity and motivation to put them both in practice.
Looking to enrich the wellbeing, skills, and performance of your team?
Discover more about wellbeing at work
Explore your well-being through the 12 pillars of happiness science-based framework.
Download the “12 Pillars eBook” for free:
Happiness Academy Podcast 
Happiness Academy Podcast is avaliable on:
Courses starting soon – starting in November 2023, applications open in October:
Deep Dive into Flow: Live a more engaging life
Applications are openning in January but the waiting list is filling up already – sign up here.
Build a Powerful Mindset: Reengineer Your Thinking for More Wellbeing and Success
Applications are openning in January but the waiting list is filling up already – sign up here.
Curious to know when we launch new workshops, articles and podcasts?
Newsletter signup
In our weekly newsletter, we send great materials, exercises and articles from positive psychology, as well as news about upcoming events.
Next to our open events listed on top of this page, we are available to design and deliver customized learning experiences for your organization.
The Happiness Academy’s vision and mission
Happiness Academy Vision
Happiness Academy’s vision is to inspire and empower all people in having a fulfilled, happy and joyful life and building meaningful, loving relationships with the self and others, while actively contributing to the world.
Happiness Academy Mission
At Happiness Academy, we educate, empower and inspire individuals to build more fulfilling and happy lives and moments.
We do so through activities in three areas:
• Designing and delivering workshops, webinars, and events on positive psychology topics such as happiness, resilience, positive emotions, self-compassion, positive relationships, mindfulness, happiness at work
• Creating great educational materials such as videos and visuals focused on positive psychology
• Building and nurturing a community of individuals passionate about Positive Psychology and engaging in meaningful conversation on how to lead a happier, flourishing life.
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