Deep Dive into Flow: Live a more engaging life!

Deep Dive into Flow: Live a more engaging life 

Online course in 8 science-based modules

Do you ever feel like a bit too much of routine is taking over in your life?

Has it been too long since you felt the spark and the sheer joy of doing something you love?

Would you like to experience a bit more excitement, joy, and more flow?

If answers are yes, join us at Deep Dive into Flow: Live more engaging life with science-based tools course and bring new levels of engagement into your life!

What is flow - and why want more of it?

Flow is the state of complete concentration and enjoyable immersion in an activity that we are doing.

It happens when we are fully focused in an activity and enjoying it, unaware of the passing of time due to being actively involved, and have a feeling of progress within that activity. 

While enjoyable, it is also a very active state while we are trying to achieve something meaningful and worthwhile.

If we wish to feel happier and more satisfied in life, flow is a great state to enrich our life with, as it combines experience of positive emotion in the moment with sense of meaning in activities that we are doing.

Experiencing more flow is related to feeling more satisfied with our life, but also with heightened creativity, increased performance, accelerated problem solving, higher motivation and faster learning. 

According to research, learning new skills while in flow cuts the path to mastery in half.

The promise of flow: connecting performance, enjoyment and sense of meaning

For many of us, the biggest challenge in life is getting ahead and feel progress, while still enjoying the ride and not overstretching. 

Too often, life, work and responsibility feel overwhelming, and we lose track of what makes us come most alive.

When we do go looking for more meaning and enjoyment, we feel insecure or guilty, like we are not doing what we “should”. 

But through flow, we can bring it all together. Focusing on getting the work done and on doing meaningful things, but at the same time enjoying the process, feeling immersed and joyful, and keep on learning and growing.

Flow brings together the sense of meaning in the activity that we are doing with high performance and enjoyment while being immersed in that activity. 

What will I learn?

This course will give you a broad range of new ideas about training Flow, get the tools to apply it in your life, explore and see what works best for your unique style, and encouragement to make flow your own.

Learning goals of the course: 

The content and tools is based on neuroscience and positive psychology research, as well as evidence based, real-world tested and build on proven methods tested on broad audience, from athletes to business(wo)men and CEOs to students.

If that sounds appealing – do not miss the chance to join us on this course!

How will the course look like?

  • 8 Zoom calls2h each week

  • light “homework” (reading, reflection or testing the tools) between the calls

  • handouts and materials to dive deeper into the topic, and recording in case you miss a module.

  • limited to 8 participants

  • learning in a deeply experiential way, with a lot of discussion, sharing and reflection.

  • Pricing: 750 EUR (Early bird 680 EUR available for signups until 13th of February).

  • The course is starting on 19th of March 2024, going for 8 weeks (plus a week of a break in the middle) 

  • Pre-signups are open – sign up here or reach out with any questions via contact form

The  8 Zoom calls will take place on Wednesdays and there are 2 options for the group: 

  • daytime timeslot 13 – 15h CET, or
  • evening timeslot 18:30-20:30h CET

This is the overview of the dates for each call:

→ coming up soon! 

Course outline


Module 1: Explore Flow Foundations

Understanding how flow works and the main ways of bringing more flow into our own life. Learning main conditions for flow, and main traps. 


Module 2: Understand the bigger picture of Flow

Flow is more than just the moment of flow: let’s explore what needs to happen before and after flow, and how flow can be a meaningful part of our life, more than just a passing moment.

building more flow into your life

Module 3: Make sense of Flow characteristics and leverage them

Understanding the keys to creating more flow, and how to work with them in a practical way to build more of it. Exploring goal setting, mindfulness and how to build motivation.


Module 4: Make it personal – your style of flow

Deep exploration in your own personal style of flow, your individual needs and preferences, and the role of flow in your life.

Flow connects meaning with enjoyment

Module 5: Discover the Flow Triggers 

Discover what are the external triggers that you can use to spark flow. Explore the differences between the triggers, and find out which are most useful for you and your own style of flow. 

modul 4 resilience

Module 6: Beware of Breaking Points

Discover what are the breaking points that sabotage flow and how can we avoid them. Explore which of them are most dangerous for you individually and make a plan to deal with those.

What makes life meaningful (1)

Module 7: Environments for flow

What kind of environments support flow, and which ones diminish it? How can we adapt our own environment and space to be supportive of having more flow?


Module 8: Group flow and how to build it

How can you take all that we learned and scale it: creating flow in a group and interactions conducive to flow.

What participants say?

“If you want to invite flow into your life, then you are going to have to dedicate the space for it. Finding flow takes time and commitment. Ironically, it takes effortful action to become effortless. The course ‘deep dive into flow’ creates the space for you to understand your flow signature. You will explore your flow timeline, identify traps that prevent you from experiencing flow and develop your personal style of flow. The course helped me to integrate insights through journaling and reflection exercises. This has really helped me to get clarity about personal aspects of flow. I really can recommend it, if you are looking for a practical way to find more flow.”

Valentijn Mees, Agile Coach and Consultant, The Netherlands

“What 2 hours a week can do for a person is sometimes difficult to describe. However, here is an attempt to describe it generally. The Flow course was a much welcome weekly session. In which we got Mirna’s famous balanced information/reflection/skill ratio on the topic. A course to support and encourage each other in the state of Flow. An interesting topic with a knowledgeable coach.

Maybe another more personal:

Loved the weekly reflection and encouragement. I always looked forward to more depth into the topic of Flow. Mostly came out of it with much needed enthusiasm and feeling grounded.”

Petra van Pijkeren, Medical Student, The Netherlands

“I attended the hacking flow state workshop and Mirna’s enthusiasm and attention show that she practices what she teaches. 

Her workshops are a great opportunity to meet an engaging group of people who share the same interest of exploring interesting, positive topics and applying the learnt to their daily lives. These workshops are definitely a place to go, as a group of likeminded people led by an experienced professional, in both theory and practice, will give you that long desired push.”

Margita Soldo, CEO & Translator, Croatia

“Discover the flow – where joy meets performance addresses exactly what people need to know and rethink. It helps to find strategies to flow in our daily activities or find time for our favorite activities at the right time. It helps us make the most of our time to be productive in the best way. And the way Mirna talks about all of this makes it so much easier to flow and live intentionally.”

Carolina Oliviera, Portugal

Interested, but you have missed the date? Let us know by applying below and we will reach you when new dates open.

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