10 foundations of resilience EMAIL course-FREE

Strengthen the 10 foundations of resilience

free email course in 12 lessons

When was the last time you really took a time to reflect about what you can do to be more resilient in the face of challenges?

This free email course is here to give you plenty of ideas, exercises and questions for reflection!

“10 foundations of resilience” is a framework designed at Happiness Academy that guides you to living happy and fulfilled life.

In this free email course you will get:

  • 12 emails sent every 2 days

  • short theoretical intro to resilience

  • 11 simple exercises to reflect on your happiness and wellbeing

  • support of our community for meaningful conversations Positive Psychology Tribe (optional)

The aim of the course is to give you practical ideas to work on your resilience, in an easy and enjoyable way.

At the same time, you will get the resources that will allow you to dive in deeper into any of the foundations that you believe to be relevant and would like to strengthen in your life.

Enjoy the exploration! 

Sign up here for free email course!

Want to continue building up your resilience and mental strength with practical, research-based tools?


Join us at an online course The Art of Resilience: How to thrive in challenging times and within two months of extensive learning  learn how to go through life challenges with serenity and smile!

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