Are you one of those that spend days of summer with the nose in the books?
If so – or if you are just looking to learn more about positive psychology, flow, mindset and need a good book recommendation – this one is for you!
Here are 5 great books I would highly recommend:
One of my favorite readings this summer – this book reads like poetry (what a beautiful language! It is written in that type of simplicity that you get by editing and editing and perfecting every word patiently), yet it gives diverse and super practical tips, tools and exercises that you can immediately implement to empower your thinking. I love it!
One of my favorite books, not just this summer, but ever.
It is short, super easy to read, and nothing short of inspiring.
If you would like to build up your thinking skills, and work with making thoughts more empowering, motivating and, well, happier – you might consider joining us in the “Build a Powerful Mindset” course. Stay tuned for updates on the course start or contact me and let me and I will keep it in mind when planning the next group.
The book that will help you to finally “get out of your head”.
It recognizes that we modern humans tend to be quite over-thinkers – and that our main way of processing the world became through our thinking.
Yet, our thinking is kind of stretched and at the top of its capacity – we are overusing it, tiring it out, and are at the limits of our focus and efficiency… perhaps a solution could be to look for fresh approaches to gain new perspectives and insights, without just “thinking harder”?
The book explores extending the way we think by using our body, environment and relationships.
It dives into each of these three aspects with many ideas, practical tips, as well as shares what research says about each of the topics.
There might be bits of the book that resonate with you more and bits that resonate less – but one thing is sure: it will give you new ideas about how to think broader and more creatively.
To work with your thinking in a practical, consistent and engaging way, and discover new powerful tools, join us at the “Build a Powerful Mindset” course. Stay tuned for updates on the course start or contact me and let me and I will keep it in mind when planning the next group.
If you would like to improve your energy management (feeling drained often?), time management (feeling like there is never enough time?), attitude towards self (being it harsh self-talk, or lack of self-discipline), relationships with others (especially in the part of saying no, feeling drained, or holding resentments), or your negotiation skills, the work on boundaries is a must.
And this book is by far the best book I’ve found on the topic – it comes with a clarity, straightforward tips and puts the topic in several life contexts for better understanding.
It doesn’t read like an engaging novel – more like a manual with clear instructions, valuable questions to explore, and rich examples and stories to deepen the understanding.
If you love running, your will love this book. If you have love-hate relationship with running, this book might make you fall in love with it all over again.
It is a story in which you will meet Tarahumara Indians from Mexico, tribe of the worlds greatest distance runners, up and close, but also explore the (hypothetical) history of why humans are naturally born distance runners. It is engaging and an easy read, more of a novel, but also with a lot of learning and food for thought.
This book will intrigue you, inspire you, surprise you – and might have a consequence of running (even) a bit more 😛
Looking to re-discover your motivation and inspiration for sports, running or any other activities in life? Looking to push harder, but also protect yourself from draining your energy and burning out?
You might also consider joining us at Deep Dive info Flow online course – it will be launching soon, so stay tuned for updates.
Humanity meets adventure in this short but inspiring book about mountain climbing and about people.
Nejc Zaplotnik was a famous Slovenian alpinist, died at 31 in alpine accident in Himalayas. He was one of the first Yugoslav climbesr to climb Everest, and had an impressive climbing history – but his legacy is also this beautiful book (he is referred to as “alpine poet”) filled with ideas and perspectives he is sharing in it.
He writes about climbing and mountains, but also about the way of living. It is a book that will make you reflect, but also awaken nostalgia about a simpler, more straightforward and human way of seeing the world.
It is also a super beautiful read, perfect to get lost in it.
Note: I am afraid this one is not available in english (at least I am not managing to find it) – but it is in Slovenian, Croatian, Italian, Polish and other languages.
Do you have a love for adventures?
There are still a couple of final spots left at “Build a Life of Flow” summer getaway on island of Lastovo in Croatia – join us.

Wish you a bookwormy, in-love-with-a-new-book day ahead!
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