Curious to learn practical and immediately implementable tips to build more wellbeing at work for yourself and your team?
Here we go!
Tip 1: Communicate that it matters
The first step in nurturing pretty much anything is to start by giving it attention and communicating that it is important.
At work, as anywhere else, we communicate in two ways: with our “talk” (verbal & nonverbal), and with our behaviors and actions.
Here are some ideas on how to “talk” about wellbeing,
leaders sharing about what are their ways of recharging and taking care of their wellbeing
talking within the team about what is everyone’s recharge plans and wellbeing priorities, communicating support and asking them how can one support them even better
communicating leaders’ and organizational beliefs that wellbeing matters
communicating leaders’ and organizational beliefs that wellbeing contributes to the quality of our work, productivity, sustainability, and customer satisfaction
adding elements related to wellbeing to company or team mission, values, and goals
providing wellbeing initiatives, in an authentic way, and based on feedback and wishes from the team
With our actions, here are some ideas of what one can do:
demonstrating through leaders how they are taking care of their wellbeing and how they are prioritizing it; putting the spotlight on good individual practices of taking care of own wellbeing that we recognize in the organization
being supportive and curious when team members express what matters to them in regard to their wellbeing
giving enough free days and opportunities to disconnect – and encouraging to use these opportunities
setting expectations about when should employees be available and supporting them to “disconnect” in their out-of-work time, and demonstrating those in our reactions to overtime work and late-night emails
focusing on all the different elements of wellbeing, from making work and tasks meaningful to opportunities for personal growth and education, to positive relationships in the team, to small perks and health benefits
Moment to reflect:
How are you communicating in your team about wellbeing, the importance of satisfaction at work, how do you support each other in prioritizing health and mental health and wellbeing?
More importantly, what is one small, specific thing you could be adding on and doing it (even) better in this domain?
Tip 2: Give ownership
Building on tip 1, “communicating that wellbeing at work matters”, the next step is giving ownership!
Seek to give freedom, autonomy, and choice for everyone and empower them to put more focus and effort into things that are more relevant for them personally. Make wellbeing practices individual and personal is key.
Create moments of reflection, discussion, and sharing what matters to them most, and then support them to adjust the work environment, goals, and circumstances for themselves in accordance with their priorities.
For some, it might be flexibility and time and space for family life; for others, health and fitness; for third, learning and opportunities to grow and advance. Also, as a leader or colleague, learn what matters to each of the other individuals in the team. Encourage them and create opportunities to share their needs, preferences, and values with others, so everyone could support each other’s wellbeing.
Moment to reflect:
How are you, in your team and organization, creating opportunities for a “customized” approach to wellbeing?
How are you giving ownership to individuals and encourage them to be proactive about their individual needs and their wellbeing?
Tip 3: Support the individuals to work on their resilience.
Resilience will help them set their boundaries, have less stress, be more focused, manage their own energy better, regulate their own thoughts and emotions in a more effective way, and be more productive with achieving their goals.
Developing one’s individual resilience is based on:
nurturing quality relationships
experiencing enough of positive emotions
working with our own mind and thinking patterns and learning in what exact way our thoughts are impacting our emotions and actions
taking ownership of own goals, actions, and impact
attitudes of confidence and optimism
learning to manage own energy, motivation, and emotion
finding meaning in uncertainty and in new situations
developing flexibility in our behaviors
Moment to reflect:
How are you in your organization and the team supporting individual resilience?
How are you teaching people those skills, and how are you creating space and motivation for self-development?
If you would like to have a deeper understanding about Resilience and what are it’s elements – get in touch, I have great books to recommend, or check our free email course below:
Tip 4: Walk the talk
Ensure that leadership (or you as a leader) walk the talk in taking care of their own wellbeing.
Share examples and stories about how individuals who have a good reputation and success rate in the organization prioritize their wellbeing.
Make wellbeing and recharge popular – talk and demonstrate how in your organization these are considered skills of self-management that have a positive impact on our goals, performance, health, and sustainable motivation.
Tip 5: What you nourish is what grows!
Look to appreciate and celebrate small moments of wellbeing, victories, and positive things you would like to build more of.
By focusing on things that you are appreciative of and that you would like to have more of, you will put more focus and energy on them, and also encourage everyone to recognize their importance.
Most important when we talk about praise and appreciation: Be authentic and honest in it!
Nothing worse than taking wellbeing initiatives just for sake of making it look like we care about it, and praising others in a fake way cause someone told us we should be praising people more…
Interested in discovering and learning more about wellbeing at work? Sign up for the recordings from the Happiness Week at Work 2021, where we talk about topics related to well-being, flow, practical tools etc
Interested to learn more about your own wellbeing, happiness, and resilience? Check our Webinars page on Happiness Academy and find much more free learning, upcoming sessions, and recordings.
Here are a few more posts to give your ideas and tools for more wellbeing at work:
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