Are you looking for new great places to read about psychology and positive psychology?
Here are five of our favourite places, that we can deeply recommend.
Greater Good Science Center
This portal by Berkley offers a really rich database of great articles – narrowly focused on psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being – with proper science based content, yet easy and light to read.
Based on strong humanistic drive and values such as compassion, altruism, empathy, gratitude, leveraging social connections, mindfulness and happiness, Greater Good Science Center is great at fulfilling their mission to “bridge the gap between scientific journals and people’s daily lives”.
With it’s deep and broad dive in mindfulness and meditation, is probably the best source out there to explore these topics – not only to get great new knowledge, but also ideas and inspiration for diverse mindfulness practices. And all of it in a playful, positive and light way, with beautiful illustrations and colourful articles.
Balancing between a light readings and more serious topics, Psychologies is a wonderful harmony between enjoyable relaxed reading while learning a ton of new interesting positive psychology ideas. Definitely one of our favourites 🙂
Psychology Today
It will require a bit of effort to dig out positive psychology articles and the most interesting topics out of a broad range of psychology topics on this versatile portal. But it is definitely a great place to look for new knowledge and ideas.
Authentic happiness
On the nerdy side of positive psychology, we love Seligman’s site primarily for ton of Questionnaires that it offers – all of them science based, and if you use them, you are contributing to the research. Good self-learning with good karma, what more can you ask for? 🙂
P.S. Goes without saying that we hope that you are also regularly diving into all the Thursday Ideas that we share at Happiness Academy blog every Thursday?
How about you?
What are your favourite places to learn and read about positive psychology topics? And which of these two do you like best?
Do share in comments – but also to start a conversation in our Positive Psychology Tribe virtual community for meaningful conversations.
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