Life Design Pillar 11 - Meaning & Purpose

Search for Meaning: 3 Questions to Make Life More Meaningful

What gives YOU (yes, you personally) a sense of meaning in life?

And what leads to moments in which life doesn’t feel so meaningful? 

One of the most challenging puzzles within positive psychology is the one of living a meaningful life.

It seems like it is easy to figure out what makes life meaningful once a person builds such a life (and there is a lot of research on that topic)🌱…

but when it comes down to “recipe” and the question “how do we build such a life”, that question ends up much more difficult to answer. 


What are the steps to a meaningful life?

There are many answers – yet there is NO one “ultimate” answer that works for everyone.


One of the models that can serve as a practical path to help you build a more meaningful life for yourself is IKIGAI. 

How to use Ikigai model?

You can use Ikigai model by simply asking yourself these questions:


1 – What do I love doing? (make a comprehensive list)

2 – What am I good at? (if you get stuck, ask “what would others say I am good at”)

3 – What are the problems in the world (being it the “big world” or my immediate community) that I truly care about, and that I would like to contribute to solving?


Then, look for where these 3 overlap. 


What are the activities, moments, environments, people around you that you can find in that overlap?

Finally, also ask, how can this overlap connect more with more professional life too? 


How can I do more of this within my current work, or how can I turn this overlap into my profession? 

(because we spend way too much time at work not to make it a meaningful time!)


Sometimes, it’s simple and straightforward – you answer the 5 questions, and it all clicks. 


In that case, you only need the courage and bold actions to actually set on that path. 


Other times, we get entangled in it. 

Perhaps we start overthinking, we can’t see the clear connections, or we are too pessimistic to dream big.


In those cases, it really helps to have:

🌱 a dedicated protected time for reflection

🌱 structured process and a skillful facilitator to guide you through the process towards more clarity in your life   purpose and plans

🌱 a bit longer list of questions, to help you think deeper and more creatively and spark new ideas

🌱 accountability in reflecting on your life plan and making sure that you keep the most important things as priorities, and 

🌱 a bit of inspiration and motivation to jump into action to transfer this plan into reality – join me at the Life Design workshop to do just that!


To dive deeper into the questions that make life meaningful and make your life plan aligned with your ikigai, join us at Life Design online workshop – in 3h, we dive deep into many more questions and cross-connect those answers into a meaningful life vision & life plan. 

Without overthinking, with realistic optimism.

You will leave the workshop with clear, motivating, and meaningful goals & actions, and with a positive view on your life.

If your life vision & life plan requires a bit of refresh, or a whole big redesign, this is exactly the workshop for you. 


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